New Year New Eyewear

The New Year has arrived and come in at full force. Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Are one of your goals to become a healthier you? Specs can help you achieve that goal!

Oakley Gear

Maybe you just need the gear to get in the right mindset and get started. We have access to all of the latest in technology when it comes to Oakley workout apparel. Headbands for the women out there needing to control their hair during intense workouts. Most are also made out of their O Hydrolix material which maximizes comfort by transporting perspiration away from the skin and carrying it to the outer surface where it can quickly evaporate. This wicking ability helps protect the wearer from overheating in hot climates and chilling in cold climates. Oakley also has fitness shirts, tanks, pants, shorts, water bottles and so much more to help you get in tip-top Oakley shape.

Let Oakley help you get in shape

Maybe you work out better with a trainer. Oakley has created the ultimate trainer for those looking to get in the best shape possible. The Oakley Radar Pace is a real-time voice-activated coaching system that creates a unique training program, tracks your performance, and coaches you in the moment. Radar Pace tracks key aspects of your workouts. Collecting and analyzing your personal performance data including heart rate, power output, speed, cadence, distance, and time. Radar Pace is so intelligent that it calibrates to you. It monitors your performance like a coach who’s there with you, Radar Pace adjusts your training zones as you improve. It gives you personalized coaching that adapts dynamically to your abilities.

The Radar Pace

Radar Pace coach’s with dynamic adjustment. It adjusts automatically to make up for missed workouts and keeps you on track toward your workout goals. Radar Pace creates a customized training program just for YOU! It creates a custom, personalized training program based on your performance and goals, helping you improve fitness and prepare for an upcoming competition. The technology is so advanced that it responds to questions you ask. “OK Radar, What’s today’s workout?”. Features the Radar Pace includes: microphone array, in-ear booms, sensors for accelerometer, gyroscope, pressure, humidity, and proximity; touch panel for phone control and music player control; connects to ANT+, Bluetooth LE, and Bluetooth; Water resistant.

Stop by any of our Specs locations to pick up your Radar Pace and Oakley gear to get you started off on the right foot for 2018. Ask our Eyewear Specialists how we can help you keep your New Year’s resolution longer and stronger!

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